Saturday, April 01, 2006


Everyone has a talent. Some are good with machines and tools, others at communicating ideas. There are even people that have the talent of making others believe they are talented.

One talent I do not posses is drug taking. I am very bad at drugs. But how I wish I could experiment with psychedelics and not end up a man standing at the interstate entrance holding a sign for food. Drug trips fascinate me like dreams and elf stories fascinate me.

Like heroic astronauts shot into cold empty space to explore, so are the drug users who survey the mysterious regions of the mind field. I do not use drugs because I am not strong enough. For those with the strength, explore! Bring back reports of what you’ve found on the other side.

I know you may scoff. Delusions, you’ll scream. Those junkies on the street are mad; their rational minds eaten away. And I wouldn’t argue with you…much. The question I can’t get out of my mind is, where does the information in a vision come from? If you have a conversation with a leprechaun about water spirits, what/where is the origin of that information?


Jessi said...

Agreed. I too, could use a Divine Moment of Truth.

Joo Khai said...

it comes from inside u, from within. power does not come from within, but from the knowledge and answers u already have. so says buddha. although he has nothing to say on drugs.

Anonymous said...

The Bible records the truth from the other side. " I am the way, the truth,and the life"....Jesus

Anonymous said...

Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.And he said to the woman,"HasGod indeed said, "You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
And the woman said to serpent, "We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden;
"but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden,God has said, "You shall not eat it,nor shall you touch it'lest you die."
Then the serpent said to the woman, "Youwill not surely die.
"For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God,knowing good and evil."
You know the rest of the story, that old serpent has not changed his tricks,and why should he, it still works.

Matt said...

Yeah Dad, I've thought about that story about the fruit of knowledge. Again though, I think your missing the point. The fact that there is an "other side" is important. I'm not exactly advocating recreational drug use here but I do think that we have a long way to go in understanding the capablities of the mind. I admit that a lot of what I have read about this drug has had a demonic quality to it but not all of them.

I am not convinced that the drug or drugs in general are a tool of satan. Forgive me, but putting things that aren't understood fully into the category of satanic is not very useful. We aren't as far apart on this issue as you might believe though.

I do think that it is about time science recognizes that there is more to reality than material.

Matt said...

I have to say one more thing here that is nagging at me. I do not want to offend my blog readers, or my family, all of who I respect deeply, some I even reguard as saintly and wise.

It is not ok to just drop a bible scripture or an ancient proverb and be done with it. I won't let you off that easy. Those bible scripture and buddhist proverbs might be relevant here but you have to go further than that. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. I truely believe that. But what does that have to do with DMT? I just think we say things over and over and over again as a mantra and we forget or take for granted what they really mean.

noe said...

i don't know anything about drugs, but today i met a chick from bellingham, in my starbucks in good ol east texas and it made me think of you!

but, speaking fo drugs and visions.... i was reading a book about the camino de santiago and they were talking about a monk who had this vision out in spain in the year 800 (or something like that)... and you always read about saints and monks and martyrs and their visions... maybe they ate mushrooms... or stuff like that, i dunno... now a days we tell folks they're crazy when they have visions, but we revere people of the past that we might otherwise institutionalize were they living today...

well, that's enough of my random babble.
