Thursday, March 08, 2007

My Cup Runith Over

It was sixty five degrees as I walked through the city at night. Pausing at the water falls, I leaned against the rails and watched the moon shadows dance against the cement overpass. Oh, to fall in love with the Creator of the universe on a warm spring night! Yesterday was a gift to us that have endured a perpetual winter sog. (10 points for the creation of a new word!)

On a different subject, I look at my education mostly as an opportunity for personal growth, an experience I am blessed to have had. But it is also an investment. And just as stocks can fluctuate based on consumer reports and media attention, let me say that my stock just went way up! For those employers out there that may be reading this, hire me; it will soon be trendy to have English majors discussing theory and criticism around the office water cooler.


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking you should pack up your bags and move to China for a bit where they are in great need of English teachers.

They'd love you.

So. Go. Now!

Matt said...

actually ann, that isn't too far fetched. I have my paper work in now to go teach in South Korea. God willing, I'll there by summer. I am very excited!

Matt said...

What will I do with my cat!? :(

Anonymous said...

HEY that would be AWESOME you'd learn how to say ohayu! and kam sam mi da! in a Korean accent...!

Bring your cat along!