Saturday, August 28, 2004

Day Dreaming

There was half a pot of coffee left over from yesterday waiting for me when i woke up. It was stale and slightly burnt but i didn't want to waste it so i heated up a mug of it in the microwave, adding some tap water to dilute the taste of burning. I grabbed my mug, the one with the chipped handle, and reclined in my chair listening to the news before i went off to work. When the clock read 8:47 i put on a new pair of black socks and slipped on my van tennis shoes and shuffled out the door. My response to the grey drizzling skies outside was to put on my hood. The trees walked to work with me and the warm summer rain made everything fragrant and heavy. I fingered my pocket knife which was concealed in my pocket. Hooded and clad in black, (remeber the new black dress socks) I was a an adventurer looking for any exuse to unsheath my sword, which in reality was a 1inch blade of cheap low grade steal. The opportunity never arose so i just flicked the blade in and out. I walked tall and proud on the sidewalk as commuters passed me in thier cars on the way to thier days at work... i wondered to myself what kind of fantasies were going on in thier heads, what dreams would get them through thier day?

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