Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Age of Aquarius

Crimson and Clover over and over... And over and over and over into the new age. The new age is near. The main focus of the news media is crime and disaster, while pop culture is obsessed with crudeness and celebrity worship. Academia seems to be stuck in a feed back loop of Freud and Marx. The consensus in the church is that we are living in the last days, and that we should look to the sky and await the rapture. No matter who you are or what you believe, there is this feeling that we, as a people in the 21st century, are on the cusp of something big. The pessimist will say that we are on the brink of world war III. That with the exhaustion of resources and the rise of industrialism and population in the third world, we are all going to die. I on the other hand, feel optimistic. Maybe it is because I heard Michio Kaku speak on the radio the other night about a satellite that is going to be launched this summer. This satellite will have three stations forming a giant triangle in space. Lasers will be used like a huge butterfly net to detect gravity waves. These gravity waves, if they exist, will go a long way in verifying string theory, which opens up a whole new frontier of dimensional physics. Think about that. We are close to probing the "spirit world"! The implications of this will drastically change every facet of our lives. Free energy. Worm holes. My god we can't even fathom what lays ahead of us. It is truly a remarkable time, one that can lead to the death of our species or something greater--the transcendence of our species into the realm of immortality.


Michael said...

wow. I read a little bit on string theory as one of the possibilities behind why there is so much "unknown" mass in the universe but I hadn't heard any real studies into it. It has to be a european study, as US funded studies are usually into sending ships to far off rocks.

Matt said...

yeah yeah... the dark matter in the universe. Our Gallaxy should fly apart. There is not enough observable material to keep the galaxy together... so scientist theorize that the dark matter, the stuff we cant see is what is keeping things together. and this is the interesting part... it is theorized that the dark matter is resonating on a different frequency in higher dimensions. The math is there, but hopefully with the detection of gravity waves they can discover the dark matter and then well yeah then we start talking about warp drive and antimatter and well STAR TREK!

Michael said...

Yes, and we don't want the anti-matter containment field on the starboard nacelle to breach...

You are preaching to the choir my friend.

Jessi said...

Marx? Bleh.

And Freud? Why do people take him so seriously?

Meanwhile, count me out of that assemblage of doom-sayers. We truly live in a remarkable time as you say. The future is bright!

Jessi said...

Is this what you were talking about?

Matt said...

Yes that is what i was talking about! thanks for the link. My knowledge of this thing was only from word of mouth now i can actually read about it! Ripples in space time-- how neat!

Matt said...

Yeah i guess i do believe in a sixth sense. It is not part of the mind which is rooted in language, but comes from a different place, maybe the heart (soul). I heard this fascinating story on the radio the other night about an island people in the indian ocean. They are a people that have been very much untouched by the modern world, defending thier island when ever invaders came. They have lived for thousands of years on this island as "primitve" peoples. Without any warning of the coming sunami, they instictively headed for high ground, and not a single person died when the wave hit. I think the sixth sense is an animal sense that we all have but rarely have to use in our industrial economy. All peoples throughout all time and across all the world have stories about interactions with the spirit world. Even modern science is acknowleging this fact. do i believe in ghost stories, not really, but i believe that the world is a mysterious place full of magic, that is why i lament on this blog so often about the mechanisation of humanity. "Would you like some fries with that?" If we would all be more quite and listen and watch, we would be more tuned in to the creator and the creation. So in short, naw i don't believe in ghost, but i do believe in duality, the material and immaterial nature of the universe.

Matt said...

Yeah i do think that stuff runs in families. I am going to butcher this story but it is worth throwing out there. i read this native american creation myth one time (I forget what tribe it was from). Look up creation myths on line some time you might find it. but from what i remember, the world was created with 10 couples, Male and Female. The first couple was endowed with magical powers while the other 9 couples did not have the same powers as the first pair. This is where shaman and holy men come from, the linage of the first couple. ditching the magic tales for the moment, i think families share characteristics, whether it be genetically or socially. I believe your friend see spirits.