Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Blueberry Pancakes

A society needs it's citizens to be skilled in many trades in order to thrive. We need metal workers, woodworkers, builders, farmers, shoemakers, warriors, merchants, scientist, teachers, etc. It seems to me that sign wavers, those poor kids that dance on the street corner waving Quizno Sub Sandwich signs, are just being made fun of. For the life of me I can't understand how humiliating an awkward teenager in plane view of passing traffic is going to bring in business, or how society possibly benefits.


Michael said...

One of my buddies put a half a bottle of salsa, and tons of maple syrup on blueberry pancakes one time.

Yes, he was sober... hung over, but sober.

No, it was not on a dare. It was just on a desire.

Matt said...

Have you ever swallowed a spoonfull of fire sauce? A friend of mine did and (I kid you not) almost died. His throat swelled up so bad. We fed him bread and milk for an hour until his tongue finally cooled off. Regular salsa though, with real tomatoes and onions--I would put my fresh homemade salsa on top of a scoop of ice cream..it is that good.

annabanana said...

have you made mango salsa before? it's really, really tasty. all it is comprised of is a fresh mango, diced (on the slightly under-ripe side helps the dicing business), a handfull of diced purple onion, a small fresh jalapeno pepper, chopped fine (or however much of a whole one you can handle), and the juice of a lime.

it doesn't even need salt.

if you're making a lot, and don't have a million mangoes, you can put in a fresh tomato to stretch it.

i also happen to like cilantro, so i put some of that in when i'm not opressed by the presence of people who think cilantro tastes like soap.