Thursday, August 25, 2005

Concerning Some Strains of Feminism: A Porch Conversation

It is challenging sometimes living with feminist. I was on the porch talking to my neighbor tonight, smoking a cigarette, yes, a damn cigarette! She said that she would never get married, that she will never have children. Men are perverts, she said. And having children would only contribute to the over population of the world, not to mention wreck her body. Oh what a sad outlook! I pointed to her ovaries. "Monica, your a baby making machine, and that is a miracle!"

Another neighbor of mine, gave me an essay she had written for her feminist studies class to read last spring. It was titled "The Big Penis". I had to laugh at the title and that academic papers could be title as such but the contents of the essay really broke my heart. Her thesis was that there is a great big abstract penis continually bonking women on the head. As if there was this person called "man" (sometimes I refer to him as "the man") and that his only purpose on earth is to abuse women and take away their goddess powers. It is easy to believe in such a simplistic world-view, and I sometimes borrow such a view to make myself feel good, as if there were a wizard behind the curtain feeding us propaganda over the television with the ultimate goal of turning us into cyborgs, but in reality there are over six billion individuals on this planet. Some individuals are more confused or corrupt than others but compartmentalizing men and women--sexism--is as misguided as racism. Monica, there are good guys out there, you just need to meet them! Life and healthy sexuality is as mysterious, powerful, and wonderful as any deep field Hubble telescope or European holiday! And don't let professors tell you otherwise.


Michael said...

Some Feminists really piss me off. Some I love to death.

It is difficult to explain. I am a firm believer in equal rights between the sexes. Some feminists preach beyond that, to a point where some issues a man's view doesn't matter at all, because we are men. I can't take someone serious who uses sexism to justify their means, when they are also preaching equality.

Also, I find women attractive. I'm a man, it inevitable. In that same respect, many women find MEN attractive. It goes both ways. We aren't a species with one gender. We have to embrace and acknowledge our differences, but still retain equality.

Its a difficult line to walk.

Matt said...

preach it brother.

Jessi said...

Well said.

Your friend Monica makes me think of my sister. She is not a feminist (at least in the extreme view), but she won't have children because she thinks the world is an awful place and would not want to bring them up in it. A shame, I say to her. The future is so bright! Try as I may, I have yet to effectively rekindle her faith in man... er, excuse me, I meant people.