Thursday, December 16, 2004

In House Drive By

I need to have a shot of egg nog and huff a pine tree, and i will do that right after i write this post. My boots are by the door, waiting and everything...birds are singing, beckoning me to come out and play in the sun. but this first...

The news is becoming one big commercial. I am noticing more and more, especially durning this holiday season, that reporters are reporting about products, which is totally advertising! for example last night i am in bed listening to the radio. The normal programing fades out and a loud rat-a-tat-DING rata-tatada-tat-DING sound fills my head. "I know what that sound is", i was thinking, "it is the sound of type writer". Then i thought, "ah, the news", and started preparing for objective hard jounalism to swim into my ear. The top story was about people dieing, the second story was about buildings collapsing, the third story was about people destroying buildings and killing each other because somebody uttered the pharse Merry Christmas, instead of Happy Holidays. The fourth story was this:

Toyota wins the prestigious truck of the year award. The brand new Toyota Tacoma has the most comprehensive safty features with driver and passanger side air bags, a burly 5 stroke horse power motor with plush leather interior. Toyota spokesman, Yakamen Lee, reports that sales are good and encourages you all to go buy a Toyota Tacoma.

Ok, Ok, it was 2am and i was drifting off to sleep but i swear the news used to report about actual stuff, stuff that people could talk about in front of the water cooler and sound smart. stuff that allowed us to be informed citizens. didn't they? I think it is all a big scam... all of it. How do i know the world is as bad as the news says it is. from where i am sitting it looks pretty good.

I am going to go frolic with the birds now.

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