Friday, May 06, 2005

Apology to George Lucus

I watched a documentry on the making of the Star Wars trilogy last night. I feel like a real viper for trashing Lucus's movies. I gained a whole new respect for the man after watching the documentary. Lucus single handedly changed our culture with his imagination and that is inspiring. I don't want to write another post about Star Wars but I wanted to apologize. Lucus is a God I am merely a fan. He has a ranch in northern California, I have a mildewy apartment. Mr. Lucus thanks for your movies. My feelings betray me still however, when I think of the pod race, jar jar, and gungans.


Jessi said...

You've probaley already read this before, but is good for a laugh... even the second time around.

Here you go!

Matt said...

Hilarious. Especially the 3po thing. It sure is a small galaxy.