Friday, May 06, 2005

Teeth Falling Out

My God, I am brain dead. I have been in the apartment for three days trying to write a piece of fiction for this workshop I've got today. On top of that I had to take mid terms yesterday! I am so ready for summer. I just want to sit on the couch and watch baseball and drink beer. I want to be completely brain dead.

I think humans are simple creatures. I am simple anyway, the rest of the world might be robots programed to stimulate me. How normal is it, for simple creatures to pretend to be someone else while constructing that someone elses reality out of words? It is probably the most normal thing a human can do. It is the locking myself in the apartment and writing for three days that is abnormal.

I had a dream last night, a reoccuring dream, that my teeth were falling out. I am so hyper aware of language right now that I fear that speaking might rot my teeth and they will fall out.

I can't wait until summer. Baseball games. Beer. Ahh.

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