Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Rook to D5

I've written about my love of dreaming in previous posts. The wonderful thing about dreaming is that like any other sport, one can get better at it. I've had a variety of dream perspectives. I usually dream in third person as another character or "camera" looking at me. Sometimes I'll dream in first person but that is rare. Within the last couple years, I have been able to dream in a planetary perspective, hovering over the earth and seeing all that goes on below. The last two nights I have had a completely new experience in dream perspective. Bodilessness. Lately I have been playing insane amounts of chess and this is being reflected in my dreams. I am dreaming in chess notation! It is wonderful. Pure intuition. No image, no feelings. Just chess. It isn't that I am seeing the board or reading the notation, it's different and indescribable, yet very pleasurable.


Jessi said...

I too have a great love for dreaming. My goal is to someday have complete awareness while in the dreamstate. Sure takes a lot of practice and dream recall... but its paid off a little bit so far.

Michael said...


you got hit by blogladder too!!!

watch out, the lookout is gonna post on your blog next!!!

Matt said...

what is the blog ladder?

Michael said...

i checked it out when i was hit by the bot.

blogladder is the most generic, limited, blogging site I have ever seen.