Saturday, April 02, 2005

Those Little White Lies

I am living in a black and white filmic world. Ella Fitzgerald is singing me those little white lies.

Gas Prices. They have raise seven cents--this week. Two dollars and forty seven cents now. This can't continue without total collapse of our economy. "Well", you might say, "I don't drive." I myself don't own a car, but gas prices are are still killing me. People's life styles have to change with gas prices this high. At two forty seven a gallon, the likelihood of people traveling up this way and lodging at the hotel, is much smaller than when gas prices were cheap. I am already feeling the effects.

My boss called me today, telling me not to come to work. There wasn't enough business to justify me coming in. Justify? This is my livilyhood we are talking about. I need to pay my rent. I need to EAT! With these outrageous gas prices, I am worried about my ability to pay the bills. I am making less money because of slow business and yet the price of food and utilities is going up! A brick of cheese has almost doubled in price since we invaded Iraq. Less hours at work, combined with higher prices--add a drought into the mix--I am worried.

The Boston tea party. Why don't we start something like that? Dump the oil into the harbors!

And another thing: according to a prophesy I heard somewhere, John Paul the II is the second to last pope before the anti-Christ initiates Armageddon.


Ms. Johnson said...

that's a scary thought...where did that prophecy come from?

Matt said...

probably a false prophet.

Matt said...

"Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them" (Matt. 6:26).

I should stop worrying

Matt said...

no, not catholic, non-domonational christian.

Matt said...

You have deleted your blog! oh no. start a new one. It was really getting interesting. i'll miss it. keep writing elaine.